Using Writing as Therapy

Sometimes, us writers can get into a bit of a slump. I hate to admit it (although I’m sure it’s abundantly clear from my lack of posts lately), but I’ve been in a considerable slump for quite some time now. As frustrating as it can be to not feel inspired or to not be able to produce work that you feel proud of for long stretches of time, that doesn’t mean writing shouldn’t still be a part of your life. To me, writing is a symbiotic relationship- sure, we “help it” by bringing it to life, but it can also help us so much, especially in times like these.

I’ve always believed in the therapeutic powers of writing. While I’m certainly not suggesting that you use writing as a replacement for actual therapy, I’m a strong believer that sitting down with a notebook and pen (or a blank Word document on your computer if that’s more your style) can make a world of difference when you’re feeling down. Although writing can sometimes be the cause of my stress, it’s also generally the thing that helps me to feel better. Writing down my thoughts helps me see things more clearly, especially when I may not be thinking rationally. It helps me access my feelings in a way I don’t feel I otherwise would. More often than not, I’m able to figure out the true cause of my feelings when I sit down and write them out, and it’s usually not what I originally thought it was. Writing helps me see into myself better and on a deeper level than anything else.

I can’t adequately describe the feeling of getting all of the emotional “junk” on paper. I guess if I were to try I would say that it feels like all of the emotions just begin to pour out onto the pages. As cliche as it may sound, it’s pretty true- at least for me. There’s just something so satisfying about transferring that energy from your brain to the outside world and getting to see a page filled with everything that’s been bouncing around your head. Even better, perhaps, is the feeling of satisfaction that comes with closing your notebook, putting it away, and feeling ten pounds lighter. Sure, writing may not fix everything. But it can be a wonderful tool, whether you’re a writer or not, to help you to take a deeper look into your own feelings. In essence, writing behaves as a magnifying glass to help you see more clearly what may have been hidden or unclear before within yourself. So before I end this post, I want to leave you with a friendly reminder- writing will always be there for you, and it is never a bad idea to turn to it.

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Thanks for reading! Do you like to use writing as therapy? If not, are you planning on trying it out? Let me know in the comments below, and be sure to check out my TwitterInstagram, and Pinterest to stay updated!

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7 thoughts on “Using Writing as Therapy”

  1. Yes, I think writing is great therapy and can form important parts of therapeutic processes too. There’s a great book, which you may already know, called The Writer’s Voice by Al Alvarez that touches on the similarities between the processes a little. I think about this a lot so was great to read your thoughts!


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